
Your Gateway to Sheep Farming

The Challenge of Traditional Sheep Farming

Starting a sheep farm can be a daunting and expensive endeavour, especially for those new to farming. The initial investment, coupled with the ongoing operational costs, can quickly add up, making it a significant financial commitment. However, FarmShare™, managed by IntelliFarm™ and LANDRANI® LAMB, offers a cost-effective and manageable way to enter the world of sheep farming without the immediate need for large-scale investments.

Traditional sheep farming involves substantial upfront costs, including purchasing land, building infrastructure, and acquiring necessary equipment. Additionally, there are ongoing costs such as feedlot feed, veterinary care, labour, and maintenance. For a small-scale farmer, these expenses can be overwhelming.

Initial Costs for a Traditional Sheep Farm:

Land Purchase

The cost of land varies greatly but can be tens or even hundreds of thousands of Rands.


Building pens, shelters, storage facilities, and fencing can cost tens of thousands of Rands.


Purchasing tractors, feed troughs, water systems, and other necessary equipment can cost thousands of Rands.

Operational Costs

Ongoing expenses for feed, veterinary care, labour, and maintenance.

These significant costs can be prohibitive, especially for those just starting out in farming.

The FarmShare™️ Advantage

FarmShare™ provides a unique opportunity to build your initial flock at a fraction of the cost. By leveraging the infrastructure and management expertise of IntelliFarm™ and LANDRANI® LAMB, you can avoid the substantial upfront costs and ongoing operational expenses associated with traditional farming.

With FarmShare™, you have the flexibility to start small and scale up as you gain experience and confidence. This approach allows you to build a solid foundation and expand your flock gradually without the immediate financial burden of owning and maintaining a farm.

Total Monthly Amount Payable for 5 Ewes:

The monthly cost for 5 ewes is R793.46, and the IntelliFarm™ management fee for 5 ewes is R460. Therefore, the total monthly amount payable for 5 ewes is:

R793.46 + R460 = R1253.46
(inclusive of VAT)

Additional Costs per Lamb Produced:

Costs such as feedlot feed, slaughtering, packaging and delivery are charged based on actual expenses once the lambs are weaned and enter the feedlot.

Benefits of Starting with FarmShare™️

Lower Initial Investment

By avoiding the high costs of land, infrastructure, and equipment, you can start your sheep farming journey with a much lower initial investment.

Reduced Risk

FarmShare™ allows you to test the waters and gain valuable experience in sheep farming without the financial risk associated with traditional farming.

Expert Management

IntelliFarm™ provides comprehensive management services, ensuring your flock is well cared for and managed efficiently. This support is invaluable for beginners.

Quality Assurance

With FarmShare™, you can be confident in the quality of your lambs. The management practices ensure hormone-free, ethically raised lambs with superior tenderness and taste.


As your flock grows and you gain experience, you have the option to transition to traditional farming when you are ready. FarmShare™ provides the perfect stepping stone to full-scale sheep farming.

Overcoming the Biggest Challenges for Small-Scale or Beginner Farmers

FarmShare™ provides a unique opportunity to build your initial flock at a fraction of the cost. By leveraging the infrastructure and management expertise of IntelliFarm™ and LANDRANI® LAMB, you can avoid the substantial upfront costs and ongoing operational expenses associated with traditional farming.

Access to Superior Genetics

FarmShare™ virtual farmers benefit from our ram genetics included in the management fee, ensuring high-quality breeding stock.

Access to Markets for Live Animals

With access to the LANDRANI® Meatmasters App, virtual farmers can sell their animals on a live animal platform, reaching a broader market.

Access to Markets for Slaughtered Animals

Through the LANDRANI® LAMB infrastructure and app, virtual farmers can sell their slaughtered products as finished products to family and friends, ensuring a market for their produce.

With FarmShare™, you have the flexibility to start small and scale up as you gain experience and confidence. This approach allows you to build a solid foundation and expand your flock gradually without the immediate financial burden of owning and maintaining a farm.

These integrated solutions address the primary barriers faced by new and small-scale farmers, providing a seamless pathway to successful sheep farming.

IntelliFarm App Screenshot

Experience Modern Sheep Farming with the IntelliFarm™ Mobile App

The IntelliFarm™ Mobile App is a powerful tool that revolutionises flock management. Designed for both the Flock Manager and the Virtual Farmer, this app provides comprehensive functionalities to ensure precision and efficiency in managing your flock.

As a Virtual Farmer, you can view and track all these sheep farming activities in real-time without directly participating. The IntelliFarm™ Mobile App allows you to stay connected and informed about the daily operations and health of your flock, offering a transparent and engaging farming experience. The key features for virtual farmers are:

View Animal Info

Access detailed information about each animal.

Track Weights and Dosages

Monitor weight records and dosage schedules.

Follow Locations

See where animals are located on the farm.

Observe Offspring and Breeding

Stay updated on offspring and breeding activities.

Real-Time Updates

Receive real-time updates on all farm activities.

View FarmShare™ Demo Farm!

Download the IntelliFarm™ Mobile App and embark on a seamless, modern sheep farming journey. Whether you’re managing a flock or simply observing, IntelliFarm™ has everything you need to stay informed and engaged.

Please use the following token: 286-010-A0E to access and view a demo farm with 5 animals.

Landrani Farmstay Logo

Hands-On Learning at LANDRANI® FarmStay

As part of the FarmShare™ experience, virtual farmers have the opportunity to book stays at LANDRANI® FarmStay. This immersive experience allows you to participate in daily farming activities and learn the intricacies of sheep farming firsthand. During your stay, you can:
  • Assist with feeding and managing the flock.
  • Learn about sheep health management, including vaccinations and dosages.
  • Participate in lambing and weaning processes.

Our minimum stay requirement is 2 nights to facilitate these viewings and activities. LANDRANI® FarmStay provides a unique and practical learning environment, ensuring that you gain valuable hands-on experience to complement the theoretical knowledge provided by the IntelliFarm™ Mobile App.

A Practical Path to Sheep Farming

FarmShare™ offers a practical and financially viable path to sheep farming. It allows you to start small, learn the ropes, and build your flock without the significant financial burden of traditional farming. Once your FarmShare™ flock reaches a substantial size, you can take the next step of acquiring land and transferring your flock to your own piece of land. This phased approach ensures you are well-prepared and financially stable when making the transition to full-scale farming.

FarmShare™ is an excellent gateway to sheep farming. It provides a cost-effective, low-risk, and flexible way to build your initial flock and gain valuable farming experience. By starting with FarmShare™, you can make informed decisions and transition to traditional farming with confidence when the time is right. Embrace the opportunity to test the waters and gradually expand your farming endeavours with the support and expertise of IntelliFarm™ and LANDRANI® LAMB.